Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Changes in Brain Dysfunction in Children with Dyslexia after Training

This article outlined an experiment that looked at dyslexia and how phonological awareness can help ameliorate the effects of dyslexia on reading ability. An experiment was designed that looked at the effectiveness of certain programs that teach phonological functions of the brain. The experiment was measured using tests and fMRI imaging. The experiment measured activity in the centers of the brain that are affected most by dyslexia. The computer programs were shown to have a positive effect on people with dyslexia’s ability to read. The importance of this experiment lies in its ability to open doors to more experimentation on the subject of dyslexia.

This experiment could have an effect on the English classroom. How we teach students with dyslexia and what their IEP’s look like. It would be great to find out that we can teach students with dyslexia how to read better.

A Comprehensive Look at Distance Education in the K-12 Context

This article gives a more in depth look at online education. We look at the types of online education and we see how these types are categorized. This article breaks up online education into five categories, basically on a scale from least dependant on the internet to most dependent. Other factors come into play, such as district support and supplementary material such as books and worksheets. We also look at how NCLB supports these schools. The point of these schools is to offer an equal opportunity for any students. The point is that any person can gain access to schooling they need no matter their proximity to the actual buildings. The conclusion of the article is somewhat inconclusive. Many of these schools are a big help to students and show great improvement in their learning. Other studies show that there is no difference between schools educational ability and online education.

I am a proponent of online education, it can be a resource for students that have been removed from the general population. Students with behavioral disturbances may benefit from learning at home. Also the online courses can offer material not available at the local schools, such as AP courses or vocational training.

An IT Evolution in the Classroom

This article gives us a look at Auburn Tech., a school that was a leader in technology. We look at how Auburn started early teaching how to use IBM’s. Eventually the school ran into problems with networking all of their computers on campus. It became too costly and inconvenient to keep things running. The teachers on campus had to become proficient in the running of the network and all of the programs that were connected within it, the system was just too inefficient. Eventually the school adopted a server, coupled with “thin client” technology they reduced the amount of information going through the wires. The school now runs smoothly and gives effective instruction.

This article gave me a better understanding of how networks are organized inside of a large school or business. With the information gathered in this article I may be able to help my school or class keep a system running or find a way to reorganize it to make it run smoother.

Open Technologies in K-12 Education

This article is concerned with the amount of money that schools have to spend on licensing for the newest software. In a world where technology is constantly changing schools do not have the budget to keep updating software and hardware. The proposed answer to this problem by the author is to use open technologies on the internet. Free software on the internet and resources such as Wikipedia are looked down upon by most American educational institutions. But they may be the best option for schools whose budget is being crunched by spending money on No Child Left Behind.

This is definitely an option for any school. Of course the merit of these online resources must be checked out before students are allowed to use them as a viable resource for papers or assignments. This leaves education open to different options, it gives teachers and students more options. The most important effect open technology could have on schools is to save their budget, leaving schools more options and ability to spend their money on more important educational resources.

Designing for Learning: The Pursuit of Well Structured Pedagogy

This article breaks up well structured pedagogy into three categories. First it says that in order to structure content well it must be put together well in the framework of its semantics. This means that when it is being taught to the students through lecture or other routes it can be easily understood. Our author named this portion of well structured pedagogy “teaching.” Second the “learner” is looked at more indepth. The lesson or pedagogy must be able to cater to a specific learner at any given time. This can be generalized to a group of learners but in many situation a teacher must be able to present the information in any given lesson to a specific student in a specific manner in order to increase the students understanding of the material. Last, “Content must correspond with the ‘environmental’ component of the learning experience.” The content must mesh well with the digital world. Organization and structure within the digital format must be taken into consideration when we think about how students may browse through the content and access the information. The article goes on to state that due to the amount of information available to us at any given time we as a society have changed the way we access this information. We must adapt our teaching structure to be inclusive of this technology thus making it more accessible to our students. The structure within the digital world may not be the same as the analog world. Thus, structuring the information accordingly will be of the utmost importance when trying to get students to access and retain it effectively.

I will most likely review the way I present information and lessons if I choose to place them in a digital format or post them on the internet. Children and adults have come to expect certain patterns or layouts in the programs and sites they navigate. To deviate from this norm would be to create a situation in which they could not gain access to the knowledge that was intended for them. To create a digital format for information or a lesson and not be sensitive to the way it is set up would be irresponsible. As a teacher you would be best served by avoiding the digital formats until you are proficient in the structure and language.

digital natives, digital immigrants

This article outlines the generational differences concerning new technology. The generation gap is not explicitly named, rather the article calls the computer savvy younger generation “digital natives” while the older generation or anyone not familiar with computers “digital immigrant.” The educational problem presented by the article is that the “digital immigrant” educators are having a problem reaching the younger digital native population. Digital immigrants value a slower paced, sequential, and patient form of teaching while today’s students require more stimulation in order to keep their attention. The spread of technology has allowed the younger generation to develop a mindframe in which fast paced random access to information has become the norm. Digital immigrant teachers are apprehensive when asked to adopt teaching strategies that would abandon the old logic, but when given ways to apply these strategies they do so. A whole other problem arises when the same teachers are asked to develop their own strategies. It is imperative that we adopt teaching strategies that will let students access the knowledge they need in order to succeed.
My own opinion on the subject is that we are going to have to adapt with the changing times, we cannot hold back until it is too late. A good way to look at it is that if you stop swimming you will drown. Many teachers were apprehensive about getting involved with technology and by the time they turned around it was too late. They were too far behind to try and understand the digital world that existed, or atleast that is what they believed. It can be a daunting and expensive task keeping up with technology, but we must do our best to meet students on their level.